Filipino's Inangit Recipe

Discover the art of crafting Inangit with our easy recipe – a symphony of glutinous rice, coconut bliss, and sweet indulgence. Try it now! 🌴🍚 #InangitRecipe



  • Cuisine: Filipino
  • Category: Dessert, Snack
  • Prep Time:
  • Cook Time:
  • Servings: 6
  • Calories: 200 calories

Inangit is a traditional Filipino sweet delicacy that holds a special place in the country's culinary heritage. This delightful treat is crafted from glutinous rice and coconut milk, embodying the essence of Filipino flavors.

The preparation of inangit involves a careful dance of ingredients, blending the stickiness of glutinous rice with the creamy richness of coconut milk, all sweetened to perfection with brown sugar.

The distinctive touch of inangit lies not only in its taste but also in its presentation. The mixture is carefully enveloped in banana leaves, creating small, neatly wrapped packets reminiscent of culinary craftsmanship passed down through generations.

These leaf-wrapped parcels are then steamed to culinary perfection, allowing the flavors to meld and infuse the rice with the essence of coconut and sweetness.

Inangit is not merely a dessert; it's a cultural reflection on a plate. Its preparation often involves shared moments and family traditions, with each generation adding its unique touch to this timeless recipe. Whether enjoyed during festive occasions, family gatherings, or as a simple indulgence, inangit captures the heart and soul of Filipino culinary artistry, offering a sweet and comforting taste of tradition.


Dive into the rich tapestry of Filipino flavors with our Inangit recipe – a tantalizing blend of sticky rice, coconut magic, and sweet perfection! 🌴🍚 #FilipinoDesserts #InangitRecipe


  • 2 cups glutinous rice
  • 2 cups coconut milk
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • Banana leaves (for wrapping)
  • Cooking twine or toothpicks

Method Instructions

  1. Rinse the glutinous rice until the water runs clear, then soak it in water for about 30 minutes.
  2. While the rice is soaking, prepare the banana leaves by cutting them into rectangular shapes (about 8x8 inches) and briefly passing them over an open flame to make them pliable.
  3. Drain the soaked rice and combine it with coconut milk in a pot. Cook over low to medium heat, stirring frequently to prevent sticking, until the rice absorbs the coconut milk and becomes sticky.
  4. Add the brown sugar to the rice and coconut mixture. Continue stirring until the sugar dissolves, and the mixture thickens.
  5. Take a portion of the sticky rice mixture and place it in the center of a banana leaf. Fold the sides of the leaf over the rice, then fold the top and bottom to create a sealed packet. Secure with cooking twine or toothpicks.
  6. Repeat the process until all the rice mixture is used.
  7. Steam the wrapped rice packets for about 30 to 40 minutes or until fully cooked.
  8. Allow the inangit to cool before serving.

Recipe Video


This is a video about Inangit.

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Recipe Tags: Inangit, Inangit Recipe, Recipe


Serving inangit is a delightful experience that adds to the charm of this Filipino sweet treat. Here's how you can present and enjoy inangit:

  • Unwrap with Care: Begin by carefully unwrapping the banana leaves from the inangit. The aroma that escapes is a precursor to the sweet goodness within.
  • Presentation Matters: Place the inangit on a serving plate, ensuring that the neatly folded banana leaves are displayed attractively. The visual appeal adds to the overall enjoyment.
  • Pairing Options: Inangit can be savored on its own or paired with traditional Filipino beverages such as hot tsokolate (chocolate) or brewed coffee. The contrast of the sweet inangit with a warm beverage enhances the culinary experience.
  • Garnish or Side: For an extra touch, you can garnish the inangit with grated coconut or drizzle some coconut milk on top. This not only enhances the flavor but also adds a subtle texture.
  • Share the Joy: Inangit is often enjoyed in the company of family and friends. Sharing these delectable treats can make the experience even more enjoyable, creating lasting memories around the table.
  • Serve at Room Temperature: While you can enjoy inangit fresh from the steamer, allowing it to cool to room temperature enhances the flavors and texture.


  1. Quality Ingredients: Use high-quality glutinous rice, fresh coconut milk, and good-quality brown sugar. The better the ingredients, the more flavorful your inangit will be.
  2. Banana Leaf Preparation: When working with banana leaves, ensure they are clean and free from any impurities. Briefly passing them over an open flame not only makes them pliable but also imparts a subtle aroma to the inangit.
  3. Soak Glutinous Rice: Soaking the glutinous rice helps achieve the desired sticky texture. Allow it to soak for about 30 minutes, and make sure to drain it thoroughly before cooking.
  4. Stir Frequently: While cooking the rice and coconut mixture, stir frequently to prevent sticking. This ensures an even distribution of flavors and prevents the mixture from burning.
  5. Adjust Sugar to Taste: The sweetness of inangit can be adjusted according to personal preference. If you prefer a sweeter treat, you can add more brown sugar, but be mindful not to overpower the coconut flavor.
  6. Creative Garnishes: Get creative with garnishes. Grated coconut or a drizzle of coconut milk can add visual appeal and additional layers of flavor.
  7. Consistent Packet Sizes: When wrapping inangit in banana leaves, try to maintain consistent packet sizes. This ensures even cooking and a uniform presentation.
  8. Proper Steaming: Steam the wrapped inangit until fully cooked. Keep an eye on the steaming time to avoid overcooking, which could result in a dry texture.
  9. Cool Before Serving: Allow the inangit to cool to room temperature before serving. This helps set the flavors and ensures a more enjoyable texture.

Ingredient Substitutes

If you find yourself missing some ingredients for inangit, there are a few substitutes you can consider:

  1. Glutinous Rice Substitute: In the absence of glutinous rice, you can use regular rice, but keep in mind that the sticky texture might not be the same. Alternatively, you can use sweet rice or sushi rice, which have a higher starch content.
  2. Coconut Milk Substitute: If fresh coconut milk is not available, you can use canned coconut milk as a substitute. Dilute it with a bit of water if it's too thick. Alternatively, coconut cream can be used, adjusting the quantity to achieve the desired richness.
  3. Brown Sugar Substitute: Inangit's sweetness primarily comes from brown sugar. If unavailable, you can substitute it with palm sugar, muscovado sugar, or even regular white sugar. Each will impart a slightly different flavor profile.
  4. Banana Leaf Substitute: While banana leaves contribute a unique aroma, you can use parchment paper or aluminum foil as a substitute for wrapping. However, keep in mind that this might alter the traditional taste and fragrance.


Embark on your culinary journey with Inangit – a taste of Filipino tradition. Share, savor, and create sweet memories with this delightful dessert. Happy cooking! 🌺🍴 #FilipinoFood #InangitRecipe

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