
Dendelot Recipe

Explore the best dendelot recipe! Learn to craft this Filipino delight with our step-by-step guide. Unveil the secrets to perfecting this sweet treat.



  • Cuisine: Filipino, Isabela
  • Category: Dessert, Snack
  • Prep Time:
  • Cook Time:
  • Yield: 15 pieces
  • Calories: 150 calories

Dendelot, also known as Binalay, is a traditional Filipino rice cake hailing from the province of Isabela. This delectable treat embodies the rich culinary heritage of the region and has become a beloved snack or dessert.

The preparation of dendelot involves a harmonious blend of simple yet essential ingredients: glutinous rice, coconut milk, and brown sugar.

To craft dendelot, the glutinous rice is meticulously washed and soaked before being combined with velvety coconut milk, creating a luscious and fragrant mixture. This blend is then carefully enveloped in banana leaves, adding a distinct aroma and imparting a touch of nature to the dish.

The inclusion of brown sugar introduces a delightful sweetness, creating a balance that is characteristic of Filipino desserts.

Once assembled, these banana leaf-wrapped parcels are steamed to perfection, allowing the flavors to meld and the rice to achieve a soft, cohesive texture. The result is a delightful confluence of sweetness and richness, making dendelot a treat that is not only a testament to Isabela's culinary traditions but also a delightful addition to any Filipino dessert spread.

Whether enjoyed as a snack or a sweet conclusion to a meal, dendelot stands as a flavorful representation of Filipino ingenuity and cultural richness.


Dive into the irresistible world of dendelot, a luscious Filipino delicacy! Discover the secrets of crafting this delectable treat in our mouthwatering guide. Unwrap the flavors!


  • 2 cups glutinous rice
  • 1 can (400ml) coconut milk
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • Banana leaves (for wrapping)

Method Instructions

  1. Wash the glutinous rice thoroughly and soak it in water for about 30 minutes.
  2. While the rice is soaking, prepare the banana leaves. Cut them into rectangles and pass them quickly over an open flame to make them pliable.
  3. Drain the soaked rice and combine it with coconut milk in a bowl. Mix well until the rice is evenly coated.
  4. Place a portion of the rice mixture onto a banana leaf, then add a spoonful of brown sugar in the center.
  5. Fold and seal the banana leaf, creating a rectangular or square-shaped packet. Repeat until all the rice mixture is used.
  6. Arrange the wrapped packets in a steamer, making sure they are not too crowded. Steam for about 30-45 minutes or until the rice is fully cooked.
  7. Allow the dendelot to cool before serving. You can also refrigerate them for a firmer texture.

Recipe Video


This is a video about Dendelot.

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Recipe Tags: Dendelot, Dendelot Recipe, Recipe


Dendelot is typically served as a delightful snack or dessert, and its presentation adds to the overall experience. Here's how you can serve dendelot:

  • Unwrap and Arrange: Once the dendelot has been steamed and cooled, carefully unwrap each banana leaf packet. Arrange the individual dendelot pieces on a serving plate.
  • Garnish (Optional): You can opt to garnish the dendelot with grated coconut for added texture and visual appeal. Sprinkle it over the top of the dendelot pieces.
  • Serve at Room Temperature or Chilled: Dendelot can be served at room temperature for a softer texture, or you can chill it in the refrigerator for a firmer consistency. Consider your preference and the preferences of your guests.
  • Enjoy with Tea or Coffee: Dendelot pairs well with a cup of hot tea or coffee, making it a delightful accompaniment for an afternoon treat or after-dinner dessert.
  • Share and savor: Share this traditional Filipino delicacy with friends and family. The communal act of unwrapping the banana leaves adds a touch of ceremony to the enjoyment of dendelot.


  1. Banana Leaf Prep: When working with banana leaves, briefly pass them over an open flame to make them pliable. This step not only makes the leaves easier to fold but also imparts a subtle aroma to the dendelot.
  2. Rice Consistency: Ensure the glutinous rice is soaked adequately to achieve a soft and cohesive texture after steaming. The soaking time helps the rice absorb moisture, contributing to the overall consistency of the dendelot.
  3. Coconut Milk Quality: Choose good quality coconut milk for a rich and flavorful result. You can use freshly squeezed coconut milk or canned coconut milk, depending on availability and preference.
  4. Brown Sugar: The choice of brown sugar adds a distinct flavor to dendelot. Adjust the quantity based on your sweetness preference. You can also explore using different types of brown sugar for subtle flavor variations.
  5. Even Wrapping: When assembling the dendelot packets, aim for even distribution of the rice and sugar mixture. This ensures uniform cooking and a consistent taste across all pieces.
  6. Steaming Time: Monitor the steaming time closely. Oversteaming can lead to a mushy texture, while understeaming may result in undercooked rice. Aim for a balanced texture that is soft yet holds its shape.
  7. Garnish Creatively: If you choose to garnish with grated coconut, consider toasting it lightly for added flavor and texture. You can also sprinkle sesame seeds on top for a delightful crunch.
  8. Storage: Store leftover dendelot in an airtight container in the refrigerator. It can be reheated by steaming for a few minutes or enjoyed chilled.
  9. Experiment with Flavors: Feel free to experiment with the recipe. Add a pinch of salt for a subtle contrast, or infuse the coconut milk with pandan leaves for an aromatic twist.

Ingredient Substitutes

If you find yourself in need of ingredient substitutes for dendelot, here are some alternatives you can consider:

  1. Glutinous Rice Substitute: Substitute glutinous rice with regular short-grain rice if glutinous rice is not available. However, keep in mind that the texture may differ.
  2. Coconut Milk Substitute: In place of coconut milk, you can use coconut cream or a combination of regular milk and coconut extract for a similar flavor profile.
  3. Brown Sugar Substitute: White sugar, palm sugar, or muscovado sugar can be used as substitutes for brown sugar. Adjust the quantity based on your desired level of sweetness.
  4. Banana Leaf Substitute: If banana leaves are unavailable, parchment paper or aluminum foil can be used for wrapping. However, note that this may alter the traditional aroma imparted by banana leaves.
  5. Garnish Alternatives: Instead of grated coconut, you can use desiccated coconut or skip the garnish altogether. Sesame seeds can also provide a nice crunch.
  6. Flavor Additions: Experiment with flavor additions. You can infuse the coconut milk with pandan leaves, vanilla extract, or other flavorings to create variations.


Indulge in the enchanting world of dendelot, where tradition meets sweetness. Embrace the joy of crafting and savoring this Filipino delicacy. Happy cooking!

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