
Mango Bango Recipe

Indulge in the perfect Mango Bango recipe – a taste of Filipino sweetness. Learn step-by-step with our delightful guide. Your tropical dessert adventure awaits!

Mango Bango

    Mango Bango

  • Cuisine: Filipino, Pinoy
  • Category: Dessert
  • Prep Time:
  • Cook Time:
  • Servings: 6
  • Calories: 300 calories

Mango Bango is a luscious Filipino dessert that encapsulates the tropical essence of ripe mangoes and the delightful chewiness of tapioca pearls. This vibrant and refreshing dish is a beloved treat in Filipino households, often enjoyed during family gatherings and special occasions.

To make this indulgent dessert, small tapioca pearls are soaked and then cooked to a perfect chewy consistency.

The star of the show, ripe mangoes, is peeled, diced, and blended into a velvety puree with condensed milk and evaporated milk. This harmonious blend creates a creamy and rich base for the tapioca pearls, infusing each spoonful with the irresistible sweetness of mango.

The preparation is a dance of textures and flavors, as the softness of the mango puree intertwines with the satisfyingly chewy tapioca pearls. A touch of sweetness from condensed milk enhances the natural sugars of the mangoes, creating a dessert that strikes a perfect balance between sugary indulgence and the tropical brightness of fresh fruit.

Mango Bango is not just a culinary delight; it's a cultural emblem, embodying the essence of Filipino cuisine.

Served chilled, this dessert is a welcome respite on warm days, offering a burst of fruity goodness that transports taste buds to the sun-kissed landscapes of the Philippines. Whether shared with loved ones or savored alone, Mango Bango is a testament to the artistry and flavors that define Filipino culinary traditions.


Dive into a tropical paradise with our irresistible Mango Bango recipe! Discover the secrets to creating this luscious Filipino delight. Taste the sunshine today!


  • 1 cup small tapioca pearls
  • 4 ripe mangoes, peeled and diced
  • 1 can (14 ounces) condensed milk
  • 1 can (370 ml) evaporated milk
  • 2 cups water
  • Sugar (optional, to taste)

Method Instructions

  1. Start by soaking the tapioca pearls in water for about 30 minutes or until they become soft and translucent.
  2. Boil the soaked tapioca pearls in a separate pot until they are fully cooked. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking. Once done, drain excess water and set aside.
  3. Peel and dice the ripe mangoes. You can reserve a portion for garnish if you'd like.
  4. In a blender, combine the diced mangoes, condensed milk, and evaporated milk. Blend until you achieve a smooth and creamy consistency.
  5. In a large mixing bowl, combine the cooked tapioca pearls with the mango mixture. Mix well to ensure the tapioca pearls are evenly distributed.
  6. Taste the mixture and add sugar if needed, depending on your sweetness preference.
  7. Refrigerate the Mango Bango mixture for at least 2 hours before serving. This allows the flavors to meld and the dessert to chill.
  8. Once chilled, scoop the Mango Bango into individual serving bowls. You can garnish with additional diced mangoes on top for an extra burst of flavor.

Recipe Video

Mango Bango

This is a video about Mango Bango.

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Recipe Tags: Mango Bango, Mango Bango Recipe, Recipe


Serving Mango Bango is a delightful experience that adds a touch of elegance to your presentation. Follow these steps for a visually appealing and enjoyable serving:

  • Chilled Bowls or Glasses: Ensure that the bowls or glasses you use for serving are chilled. This enhances the refreshing quality of the dessert.
  • Scoop and Portion: Using a ladle or large spoon, carefully scoop the Mango Bango mixture into individual serving bowls or glasses. Aim for an equal distribution of tapioca pearls and mango puree in each serving.
  • Garnish: For a finishing touch, garnish the top of each serving with additional diced mangoes. This not only adds a burst of color but also reinforces the prominent mango flavor.
  • Chill Before Serving: If the Mango Bango has been refrigerated for the recommended 2 hours, it's ready to be served. The chilling time allows the dessert to set and intensifies the flavors.
  • Serve Cold: Present the Mango Bango chilled, allowing your guests to enjoy a cool and satisfying dessert. The contrast between the cold temperature and the vibrant flavors enhances the overall dining experience.
  • Optional Additions: For those who enjoy contrasting textures, consider offering additional toppings such as crushed ice, coconut flakes, or a drizzle of coconut milk.
  • Accompany with Utensils: Provide spoons for easy enjoyment. The combination of tapioca pearls and mango puree may require a spoon that can capture both elements.


  1. Ripe Mangoes: Use fully ripe mangoes for the best flavor. Look for ones that are fragrant and yield slightly to gentle pressure.
  2. Tapioca Pearl Soaking: Allow enough time for the tapioca pearls to soak adequately. This ensures they become soft and have the desired chewy texture during cooking.
  3. Tapioca Pearl Cooking: Stir the tapioca pearls occasionally while boiling to prevent them from sticking together. Cook until they are transparent and have a pleasant chewiness.
  4. Adjusting Sweetness: Taste the mango mixture before combining it with tapioca and adjust the sweetness according to your preference. Some mangoes are naturally sweeter than others, so the amount of condensed milk or additional sugar may vary.
  5. Chilling Time: Give the Mango Bango enough time to chill in the refrigerator. This enhances the flavors and allows the dessert to set properly.
  6. Consistency Control: If you prefer a thicker consistency, you can add more tapioca pearls. For a creamier texture, adjust the amount of condensed milk and evaporated milk.
  7. Garnish Creatively: Get creative with your garnish. Aside from diced mangoes, consider topping each serving with a mint leaf or a sprinkle of toasted coconut for added flair.
  8. Presentation Matters: Serve the Mango Bango in transparent bowls or glasses to showcase the layers and vibrant colors. This adds an aesthetic touch to the dessert.
  9. Experiment with Variations: Feel free to experiment with variations. You can try adding other tropical fruits, like pineapple or lychee, for a unique twist.
  10. Serve Fresh: Mango Bango is best enjoyed fresh. Try to consume it within a day or two for optimal taste and texture.

Ingredient Substitutes

While it's always best to stick to the original recipe for the authentic flavors of Mango Bango, I still have some potential ingredient substitutes in case you need alternatives:

  1. Tapioca Pearls: If you can't find tapioca pearls, you can experiment with small-sized sago pearls or even pearl couscous. Keep in mind that the texture may vary.
  2. Condensed Milk: In place of condensed milk, you can use coconut cream for a dairy-free option. Adjust the sweetness with additional sugar if needed.
  3. Evaporated Milk: Substitute evaporated milk with coconut milk or almond milk for a non-dairy alternative. Again, adjust sweetness as per your taste.
  4. Sugar: If you prefer an alternative to granulated sugar, you can use honey, agave nectar, or maple syrup. Adjust the quantity to suit your sweetness preference.
  5. Mangoes: While ripe fresh mangoes provide the best flavor, you can use frozen mango chunks or canned mango pulp (make sure it's unsweetened) if fresh mangoes aren't available.
  6. Coconut Flakes (Optional Garnish): If you don't have coconut flakes for garnish, you can use chopped nuts like almonds or cashews for added crunch.


Embark on your culinary journey with Mango Bango. May each spoonful transport you to the vibrant flavors of Filipino paradise. Happy cooking!

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