Indian Gurgurya Recipe

Discover the perfect gurgurya recipe – a blend of semolina, coconut, and jaggery. Create this Indian sweet sensation with our step-by-step guide!



  • Cuisine: Indian
  • Category: Dessert, Sweet
  • Prep Time:
  • Cook Time:
  • Servings: 12
  • Calories: 80 calories

Gurgurya, a delightful Indian sweet, encapsulates the essence of traditional flavors in a single bite. This delectable treat is a fusion of semolina (suji), grated coconut, and jaggery (gur), harmoniously blended to create a symphony of taste and texture. The process involves roasting semolina to a golden brown, combining it with a luscious mixture of jaggery and coconut, and adding a touch of cardamom powder for a fragrant finish.

The beauty of gurgurya lies in its versatility. Some recipes may incorporate variations such as flour and sugar, offering a nuanced take on this classic dessert. The sweet aroma wafting through the kitchen during preparation evokes memories of festive occasions and family gatherings.

Shaped into small, inviting rounds, gurguryas can be either deep-fried for a crispy exterior or steamed for a healthier alternative. Each bite unfolds a burst of flavors, as the sweetness of jaggery complements the nutty richness of semolina, creating a symphony of tastes that resonate with traditional Indian cuisine.

Whether enjoyed during festivals or as a simple indulgence, gurgurya embodies the warmth of homemade sweets, passed down through generations. The simplicity of its ingredients and the richness of its taste make gurgurya a beloved dessert, bringing a touch of nostalgia and culinary heritage to every bite.


Dive into the delectable world of gurgurya! Uncover the secrets of this irresistible Indian sweet – a symphony of flavors awaits your taste buds. 🌟 #GurguryaDelight #IndianDesserts


  • 1 cup semolina (suji)
  • 1/2 cup grated coconut
  • 1/2 cup jaggery (gur)
  • 1/4 cup ghee
  • 1/4 teaspoon cardamom powder
  • A pinch of salt
  • Water (as needed)

Method Instructions

  1. Heat a pan on medium heat, add grated coconut and jaggery.
  2. Stir until the jaggery melts and combines with the coconut. Keep it aside.
  3. In another pan, heat ghee and add semolina.
  4. Roast the semolina until it turns golden brown and releases a nutty aroma.
  5. Turn off the heat, add a pinch of salt, and mix well.
  6. Let the semolina cool for a bit. Then, combine it with the jaggery-coconut mixture.
  7. Add cardamom powder for flavor and mix everything thoroughly.
  8. Take small portions of the mixture and shape them into small rounds or any desired shape.
  9. You have two options here. You can either deep fry these in oil until they turn golden brown, or you can steam them for a healthier version.
  10. Once done, let them cool a bit and serve. They're best enjoyed fresh.

I remember my Indian friend's grandmother making these during festivals those days, and the whole house would be filled with the sweet aroma. It's a simple yet heartwarming treat. Enjoy making and savoring your gurguryas!

Recipe Video


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Recipe Tags: Gurgurya, Gurgurya Recipe, Recipe


Serving gurgurya is a delightful experience that complements its rich flavors. Here are a few ways to present and enjoy this traditional Indian sweet:

  • Plain and Warm: Serve gurgurya fresh out of the frying pan or steamer when they are warm. The soft texture and warm temperature enhance the flavors.
  • With a Drizzle of Ghee: For an extra touch of indulgence, drizzle a bit of melted ghee over the gurguryas before serving. This adds a subtle richness to the dish.
  • Accompanied by Chai or Coffee: Pair gurgurya with a cup of chai or coffee. The sweetness of the dessert complements the warmth of these beverages, creating a perfect balance.
  • Garnished with Nuts: Sprinkle finely chopped nuts like almonds or pistachios on top of the gurguryas. This not only adds a delightful crunch but also elevates the visual appeal.
  • With a Side of Yogurt: Serve gurgurya alongside a small bowl of plain yogurt. The contrast between the sweet gurgurya and the tangy yogurt can be a delightful combination.
  • As a Festive Treat: Present gurgurya during festivals or special occasions on a decorative plate or tray. It adds a festive touch and makes for a visually appealing dessert.
  • Experiment with Accompaniments: Feel free to get creative with accompaniments. Some people enjoy gurgurya with a dollop of vanilla ice cream or a drizzle of chocolate sauce for a modern twist.


  1. Quality Ingredients: Use fresh and high-quality ingredients, especially for the jaggery, coconut, and semolina. The freshness of these components significantly influences the final taste.
  2. Roasting Semolina: Take your time when roasting the semolina. Ensure it turns a golden brown to enhance the flavor and aroma of the gurgurya. Be cautious not to burn it, as this can affect the taste.
  3. Jaggery Consistency: If your jaggery has impurities, strain it before combining with coconut. This ensures a smooth and uniform sweetness in the gurgurya.
  4. Balancing Flavors: Taste the mixture before shaping the gurguryas to ensure the sweetness is to your liking. Adjust with more jaggery or coconut if needed.
  5. Cardamom Powder: Freshly ground cardamom enhances the overall flavor. If using pre-ground cardamom, make sure it's of good quality for a robust aroma.
  6. Shaping Gurguryas: When shaping the gurguryas, ensure they are compact and uniform. This ensures even cooking, especially if you're frying them.
  7. Frying or Steaming: Choose the cooking method based on your preference for texture and health considerations. Frying yields a crispy exterior, while steaming results in a softer, healthier version.
  8. Oil Temperature for Frying: If frying, maintain a consistent oil temperature. Too hot, and the gurguryas might burn; too low, and they can absorb excess oil.
  9. Draining Excess Oil: After frying, place the gurguryas on paper towels to absorb any excess oil. This helps keep them light and not overly greasy.
  10. Storage: Store gurguryas in an airtight container once they've cooled. They can stay fresh for a few days, but the texture may change over time.

Ingredient Substitutes

While gurgurya has a traditional recipe, you can experiment with ingredient substitutes based on dietary preferences or ingredient availability. Here are some potential substitutions:

  1. Semolina (Suji): Substitute semolina with rice flour or wheat flour for a different texture. Keep in mind that this may alter the taste and consistency.
  2. Jaggery (Gur): If jaggery is unavailable, you can use brown sugar or palm sugar as a substitute. Adjust the quantity based on your desired sweetness level.
  3. Coconut: Replace grated coconut with desiccated coconut if fresh coconut is not accessible. You can also use coconut milk, adjusting the quantity accordingly.
  4. Ghee: For a vegan option or if you prefer not to use ghee, substitute it with coconut oil or any neutral-flavored vegetable oil.
  5. Cardamom Powder: Ground cinnamon or nutmeg can be used as an alternative to cardamom powder, providing a different but equally aromatic flavor.


Indulge in the joy of crafting gurgurya – a sweet symphony that echoes tradition. May your kitchen be filled with the warmth of homemade delights! 🌼 #GurguryaMagic #IndianSweets

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